July 2022 Contest

Photo Contest For July 2022

Contest Ended
Total votes for the Contest "Photo Contest For July 2022" : 43

Only well lit, high-resolution images will be able to enter the contest. Every entry must be provided along with a project description of 50+ words.

  • Well lit – Daylight is the best and your room looks different at different times. Observe when your room looks the best and take a shot then. If natural light is not available use what you have to illuminate the room. Do not use flash!
  • Clutter free – Make sure to remove all clutter that would take away from your art. The room should look inviting.
  • High resolution / sharp – Many people today have smartphones that can take high resolution images, but you need to take your time and make sure your hand is steady and the phone is still. Also be sure to focus on the ceiling so it shows sharp in the image.  Tapping the screen on the focus area will usually focus on that area. Make sure you send us full size image so that we can print it if need be. We need the image resolution to be more that 1000 pixels on one side and 150 dpi or more so that we can effectively use it.
  • The entire room is shown from floor to ceiling – People want to see the entire room, not just the ceiling tiles, please take a photo of the entire space. By being close to the ground and pointing up to the ceiling while still seeing the floor works well. Take few pictures until you love your results.
  • The focus is on our product – Your photo will be used to promote our product and therefore we need it to be the main focus of the photo while encompassing the project room.

Terms and Conditons:

  • A project photo can only enter contest 1 time. There can be multiple entries per person of different projects only.
  • Same person can only enter the contest 3 times per year.
  • A winner of the contest will receive $500 non-transferable store credit on their account to be used for product purchases only.
  • Credit can not be claimed as cash.
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