TV Room Beautification
Milan - Faux Tin Ceiling Tile - 24 in x 24 in - #DCT 10

Additional Information
Product Name With Model #:
Milan - Faux Tin Ceiling Tile - 24 in x 24 in - #DCT 10
Posted By:
Kim Garrison
Graphite Gold
Project Type:
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Did you hire a professional for this project?:
Set aside enough time to accurately measure ( measure twice, cut once)
Stop when you're tired.
Describe Your Project:
We wanted to cover up some really old, damaged ceiling tiles in our TV room. Our house is a ca. 1900 Queen Anne and I thought a faux tin would really look nice. It turned out 100 times better than imagined! We plan to do our front parlor this Summer and a 500$ store credit would be awesome since old houses love to snack on money!
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
Yes, I have like minded friends that live in late 1890's-1900's homes like mine and have been inspired by what we did with our tile. We've referred them to you for the tiles.
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
You have great variety and extremely helpful staff. Highly recommend!
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