The Lab !!
Corrugated - MirroFlex - Ceiling Tiles Pack
Additional Information
Product Name With Model #:
Corrugated - MirroFlex - Ceiling Tiles Pack
Posted By:
David Cuccaro
Brushed Nickel
Project Type:
Select Your Room Type:
Company Name:
Town of Cary
Did you hire a professional for this project?:
Be patient with the Gridmax DIY set
Describe Your Project:
In response to COVID-19, we made the decision to build a satellite lab. This enabled us to separate the lab personnel from the operations group. This made following protocol much easier and safer. The ceiling tiles made the space look much more professional and meet lab requirements.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
Already have
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
Customer service was great. The order arrived on time.