Living Room
Grandma's Doilies Quartet Faux Tin Ceiling Tile Glue up 24 in x 24 in - #117

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Product Name With Model #:
Grandma's Doilies Quartet Faux Tin Ceiling Tile Glue up 24 in x 24 in - #117
Posted By:
Karen Dudzinski
Patina Deep and Dark
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Did you hire a professional for this project?:
We painted the crown mounding and butted the tiles right to the edge.
Describe Your Project:
We installed these tiles over badly damaged plaster and lathe walls during the renovation of our 125 year old Victorian home. It was a fantastic transformation and made it possible to retain the style and integrity of the room.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
I highly recommend this product. It was simple to use and it makes the entire room look elegant.
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
Decorative Ceiling Tiles was super easy company to work with. Their customer service is fantastic and they were very helpful with my questions about quantities and installation instructions. We received our order quickly.
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