Historic Landmark Crown Molding
Corbels Glue-up Styrofoam Crown Molding 5 in. Wide 6.5 ft. Long - #GK 19

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Product Name With Model #:
Corbels Glue-up Styrofoam Crown Molding 5 in. Wide 6.5 ft. Long - #GK 19
Posted By:
Ciara Carriere
Plain White (unpainted) - Painted
Project Type:
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When painting, paint the entire piece with your base color, then dry brush any details.
Use a miter box to ensure perfect angles.
Describe Your Project:
We added crown molding to our 1885 Historic Landmark home with the corbels glue-up styrofoam crown molding in plain white. I hand painted the pieces with interior latex paint to complement the walls and ceiling. We cut the angles for the corners, and easily attached them with Liquid Nails. Crown molding was the perfect finishing touch for the room.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
Yes, it's an easy way to make a room look more complete.
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
We were very happy with our experience because we accomplished our desired look for a fraction of the price.
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