Dining Room Ceiling

Rose Window - Faux Tin Ceiling Tile - 24 in x 24 in - #238

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Product Name With Model #: Rose Window - Faux Tin Ceiling Tile - 24 in x 24 in - #238
Posted By: Lisa M. Jones
Color: Antique Gold
Project Type: -Ceiling
Select Your Room Type: -Living-and-Dining
Did you hire a professional for this project?: No
Tips: Figure out the center of your ceiling before starting on the project. Figure out the area of the project, and then decide how you want to arrange the tiles. Decide whether you want to use trim boards, as we ultimately did, to avoid having to cut the tiles. I would also recommend that you paint the edges of the ceiling with black paint before starting to glue up the tiles, so you don't have to go back later and hide a previously white ceiling where it might peek through at the edges of your project.
Describe Your Project: We wanted the look of a tin ceiling, without the expense or extra work that tin would have been to install. We bought the adhesive you had listed on your site-Instant Grab Contractor Pack - Water Based Adhesive #310-and glued the ceiling tiles directly to the ceiling. The thing that took us the longest was doing the math. We figured out that if we used trim boards in between some of the tiles we could get by without cutting any of the tiles. We used a laser level and chalk line to help the process go smoothly.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?: Yes, I would recommend this project to a friend. It's a great way to hide an inexpertly patched ceiling, or to just add interest and beauty to a wall or ceiling. We have received many compliments. People have asked us what Paris Opera House did we steal the ceiling tiles from!
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?: It was a great experience. Easy to use web-site. Easy to use product. Order arrived sooner than expected. It's great that you have sample packs available. We ordered quite a few of these prior to beginning the project so that we could hold them up and decide which pattern would work best for us.
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