Dentil Molding
Dentil Glue-up Styrofoam Crown Molding 5 in. Wide 6.5 ft. Long - #GK 17

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Product Name With Model #:
Dentil Glue-up Styrofoam Crown Molding 5 in. Wide 6.5 ft. Long - #GK 17
Posted By:
jamie winslow
Plain White
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Did you hire a professional for this project?:
When cutting dentil crown molding, in order to cut the inside style corners, you had to cut it upside down in order to make it work. If you get one that works, use that as a template and it gets easier.
Describe Your Project:
I redid this dressing area and put in wallpaper on the accent wall, and painted the remaining walls using the color-matched wallpaper background. Then I added the dentil molding (it came ready to prime and paint, I used Sherwin Williams Trim Paint in Gloss White). I purchased one corner (inside) as a guide and used a miter saw to cut all the corners for this room. It is super easy to install this foam molding, as it goes up with glue/caulk to adhere it to the wall and ceiling. The next day I went back and caulked all the seams.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
I would recommend foam molding to is a fast, easy and fairly inexpensive way to polish off a room. The main areas of my house already had wooden, traditional crown and dentil room/dining (dentil), hallways, kitchen, great room, etc. (crown)...but I wanted to do it in the bedrooms and bathrooms without the huge investment. I have now added crown molding to the bathrooms, and dentil molding to this dressing room and attached bedroom. I love the way it is turning out!
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
Shipping was fast and experience with company was also good.
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