Dentil Crown Molding Installed in Living Room
Dentil Crown Molding Installed in Living Room
Additional Information
Product Name With Model #:
Dentil Glue-up Styrofoam Crown Molding 5" Wide 6.5 ln. ft. Long - #GK 17
Posted By:
Julie Bolling
Plain White
Project Type:
Dry wall 10’ ceiling
Select Your Room Type:
Did you hire a professional for this project?:
Paint before installing. Two people makes job go faster.
Describe Your Project:
Updating living room in 100-year-old home.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
Yes. Improves appearance of room. Easy install. Good product.
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
Purchase was online and easy to do. Coupon available on website. Delivered in a timely manner as promised.