Additional Information
Product Name With Model #:
Victorian Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R14
Posted By:
Dan Ireland
Bronze Antique
Project Type:
Original is Plaster
Select Your Room Type:
Did you hire a professional for this project?:
Use clear caulk that starts out a different colour when wet. Make it easy to see. Also, if ceiling is not smooth, fill imperfections. Lastly, use a very sharp blade and change often for best results.
Describe Your Project:
Ceiling tile in antique bronze. Installed matching crown mould.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?:
Yes. Huge value increase with moderate investment.
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?:
Fast. Shipping to Canada a bit hefty. You need to really want to go this route to pay those prices. Also, customs billed for an additional $100....ouch