Master Bedroom Remodel

Topkapi Palace Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R32c




Additional Information

Product Name With Model #: Topkapi Palace Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R32c
Posted By: Eva Wathen
Color: Plain White (Unpainted)
Project Type: -Ceiling
Select Your Room Type: -Bedroom
Did you hire a professional for this project?: No
Tips: Double check your measurements when gridding your ceiling. I would also suggest adding your crown molding before measuring for ceiling tiles. This makes a big difference in you measurements.
Describe Your Project: Master Bedroom Refresh.. updated paint, replaced light fixtures and added crown molding and ceiling tiles.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?: Yes because it adds value to your home and really makes the ceiling look great.
Author : PC_admin



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