Parker Laundry

Parker Laundry

Parker Laundry

Additional Information

Product Name With Model #: Lilies and Swirls - Faux Tin Ceiling Tile - 24"x24" - #204
Posted By: Sara Parker
Color: Antique Silver
Project Type: Laundry Room
Select Your Room Type: -Other
Did you hire a professional for this project?: No
Tips: Leave space between tiles for trim. Don’t install tiles edge to edge.
Describe Your Project: Laundry room wall was particle board and needed makeover. Did not want to go through hassle of sheet rock installation. The ceiling tiles were a perfect solution.
Would You Recommend This Project To A Friend And Why?: Yes. This is a unique design element.
How Was Your Experience With Our Company And Why?: Very responsive to all my questions and timely delivery and fair prices.
Author : PC_admin



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